Knowing some secret Doom II codes gives you an extra edge. Type these in while you play the game, and here's what you'll get:
iddqd -- full health as well as some protection from injury
idkfa -- the full amount of ammunition and keys
idbeholdi -- invisibility
idbeholdr -- a radiation suit
idbeholdv -- invincibility
idclev followed by any number from 1 to 32 --
admission to the level you enter (levels 31 and 32 are secret
levels you might not find, even if you finish the game)
You can find more codes in the game-hints area of most online services.
Doom II Downloads
Several useful files online make Doom II all the more enjoyable. Doom II 1.0->1.0.2 Updater, for instance, fixes bugs and makes performance smoother and sound panning better.
WADtyper is another useful file that lets you convert PC WAD files to Mac format. All you have to do to perform the conversion is drag and drop a PC WAD file onto WADtyper.
And if you want to play the game that started the whole Doom phenomenon, download the file called Doom; the original is finally available for the Mac as shareware ($9).